Do you really need insurance all risk car

Before evaluating if indeed needs a comprehensive insurance for your car, it is important to understand that this is a protection contract that you as owner acquires voluntarily, for an insurance company to cover the risks associated with driving the vehicle, such as damage by third parties, or that you may cause to others.

In Colombia, by law, every owner of a motor must have the compulsory insurance against traffic accidents SOAT, as it is the way in which the government guarantees the protection of individuals (passenger or pedestrian) they are targeted in an accident vial. SOAT covers risks

As usual, the question that many are rendered conductive at some point is it worth to have two safe? The answer becomes clear why having certain benefits and coverage takes to hire a full insurance for car; and evaluating the costs involved about not having it, in case of disaster.

Car insurance is characterized by different types of coverage and benefits to the user. The value naturally differs on the amount and quality of additional services contracted:

Legal coverage

If the contractor found guilty of the accident, the insurer will shelter the property damage, death or injury caused to those involved, once they have been treated using the SOAT.
Does not exclude tort liability when an accident causes injury or death, the driver of the insured vehicle or its close relatives.
Cover materials

Partial loss of the vehicle for serious damage; or total loss of the vehicle irreparable damage.
Total or partial loss of vehicle theft.
It does not cover loss when it comes to an accident caused by wear and tear or lack of maintenance in the mechanical or electrical parts. Nor when incidents like falling avalanches, tunnels, bridges or stones occur.
User Services

Legal assistance.
Loan substitute vehicle.
Transportation expenses.
Conductor chosen.
Travel assistance.
Incidents that not cover all risks insurance for car

Accidents caused by using the vehicle for purposes other than those established at the time of the contract; for example, public transport or carries.
Damage or loss due to climatic phenomena or hostile acts as attacks or riots.
Accidents caused while the car is driven by an unauthorized person the time of the contract.
Accidents on routes where freight or illegal substances.
Damage from overloading or overcrowding of passengers.
With the benefits and guarantees on the table it is easier to make the decision, understanding that the expense involved for many all-risk insurance contract is not such a thing, but an investment that can represent a significant saving differential in case of accident, where you pay a deductible on the total cost of repairing your car or a third party.

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