Who is at fault in an accident (most common cases)

From time to time our article with tips to not be guilty of an accident you receive feedback from users asking the opinion on who is at fault in an accident. It is very difficult (or impossible) to respond to all of them, and we do not have complete information. Even insurers often own, seeing all the data and the result of the clash esobre the field, are engaged in endless court proceedings since it is not clear who hit whom.

Considering this, every accident is different, there are some general considerations that do indicate who is to blame in case of a traffic accident in which two vehicles are involved:

Reach back

HOW TO PRODUCE: One of the most common accidents. You brake and the vehicle will reach just behind you in the rear.

GUILTY: He who has damage to the front. Although the vehicles going forward brake suddenly and back will adequate to track down and keep a safe distance, the culprit is always the vehicle going behind and reaches the vehicle ahead (not to keep distance security).

Reverse gear

HOW TO PRODUCE This accident has similar damage to the anterior (the back of a vehicle and may be the front of the other or any other part of this second vehicle).

GUILTY: The vehicle reverses.

Rail invasion

HOW TO PRODUCE: A crash that occurs when two vehicles circulating in parallel, each for its lane and hit.

GUILTY: The vehicle leaves its lane and invades the lane in which circulates the other.

Preference right at an intersection

HOW TO PRODUCE: If you remember when you get your driving license, the vehicle appears to the right at an intersection has the preference, unless there is some sign that it affects, in which case the preference will have the opposite.

GUILTY: The vehicle that misses to the left, unless the vehicle put on the right have a yield, a stop sign or a red light (would preferably exiting the vehicle left at the junction).

Preference signals

HOW TO PRODUCE: The signs are to respect them, is a yield, a stop, a red light or otherwise.

GUILTY: The vehicle that does not respect the signal. Always.

Movement within a roundabout

HOW TO PRODUCE: Due to the proliferation of roundabouts and roundabouts, especially on routes of more than one lane, accidents are becoming more common and usually occur circulating in-law two parallel and one invaded the opposite lane.

GUILTY: Vehicle invading the other lane. When it is not clear who has been the vehicle in the inside lane of the two. That is the rule used by experts of accidents, as it presupposes that has invaded the opposite lane to want to leave.


HOW TO PRODUCE: Especially in the city and in car parks, it is common to hit a parked car in a maneuver when there is little space left for recording

GUILTY: Whenever the vehicle performs the maneuver leading to the accident. Vehicle parked at best may be fined if you are committing an offense.


HOW TO PRODUCE: Another typical accidents; two vehicles circulate in parallel and one tour.

CULPABLE: The vehicle turns in all cases.

How to detect insurance fraud

Who has not ever been tempted to "fatten" the party insurance after an accident? Insurers are aware that many drivers attempt to defraud claiming a greater number of both physical and material damage. Just to try to prevent these scams are investing significant resources in research teams devoted exclusively to reduce them. Axa, for example, last year invested 5 million euros in this field and has a team of anti-fraud 28 people.

And it is that insurers are not dumb nor the issue is trivial. These frauds are included in the Penal Code and can lead to imprisonment of between six months and four years in duration, depending on the extent of the deception. Since 75% of frauds are carried out car insurance or motorcycle, it is precisely there where companies focus their efforts to combat.

With the crisis, the scams have been increasing but also the support of society to these scams. Many drivers believe that insurers earn enough money or inflate a little fair share of injuries because after so many years paying no accident "is their right." However, nothing is further from reality, since the more parties receive the most up insurance premiums for customers and, ultimately, end up paying all.

These people are known as the occasional fraudster, that is, who wants to take advantage of a little sinister try to look bigger and thus repair past damage, or a driver that simulates a claim that has never happened. But there are also the usual fraudsters who use their extensive knowledge of the sector to achieve economic benefits in a usual manner.

However, according to Hotline, the profile of the car insurance fraudster is that of a girl under 26 years. In 38.5% of fraud intercepted last year and met this data is that they are the segment of the population that has hit the economic crisis in the last seven years and where a higher rate of unemployment is concentrated. Only car insurers has cost about 780 million euros increased more than 30% in fraud.

However, they still very difficult to detect fraud because of the large number of factors acting in an accident and the lack of major fraudsters car insurance penalties. However, social networks are serving a great help to companies and many people reveal their lies when they publish photographs of party or in the gym when the accident report claim immobility.